This is a free training resource for anyone, to increase their knowledge and awareness of unpaid carers.
You can also choose to become a Carer Champion in your organisation, school or community group. Becoming a Champion is not a requirement and support from us, including badges and lanyards, is only available to Champions in Brighton and Hove.
A Carer Champion is a first point of reference for any unpaid carers in their organisation, school or community group.

The modules are divided into the five distinct categories below. Only one module needs to be completed and they take about 45 to 60 minutes to complete.

A downloadable certificate of completion is available to all. Champions can download a Champions Certificate and receive a lanyard and badge from us.

General Carers Awareness Training
suitable for all
Young Carers Awareness Training
aimed at school staff and anyone working with young people
Primary Care Carers Awareness Training
for staff in GP surgeries, dental practices and other primary care settings
Pharmacy Carers Awareness Training
for staff in pharmacies
Employers Carers Awareness Training
for any other employer or line manager
Please contact the Carers Hub if you are unsure which module to complete.