Making a referral

If you are a health professional, please read the information below about how to make a carer referral to Carers Hub.

Adult Carers Referrals

If you know of an adult carer aged 18 or over, first let the carer know you are making a referral and then complete as much information on the referral form below as possible. We will contact the carer to outline the support we can offer.

PLEASE NOTE : Because of the demand for our services it may take a number of days for us to get back to you and the carer

    Referrer Details

    Your first name (required)

    Your last name (required)

    Your job title (required)

    Your email (required)

    Your contact details (required)

    Reason for referral (required)

    Carer Details

    Carer's first name (required)

    Carer's last name (required)

    Carer's date of birth (required)

    Carer's gender (required)

    Please specify:

    Is their gender identity the same as the gender they were assigned at birth?
    YesNoPrefer not to sayUnknown

    Carer's sexual orientation

    Please specify:

    Carer's ethnicity

    Please specify:

    Carer's employment status

    Carer's address including postcode (required)

    Carer's email

    Carer's landline number

    Carer's mobile number

    OK to leave a message

    Sensory or communication needs e.g. interpreting?

    Other members of the carer’s household
    (please list names, ages and relationship to carer)

    Has the carer consented to you sharing their information with us and agreed that we can contact them?

    We cannot accept a referral without this agreement.

    About the cared-for person

    Cared for person's first name (required)

    Cared for person's last name (required)

    Cared for person's date of birth (required)

    Cared for person's gender (required)

    Please specify:

    Is their gender identity the same as the gender they were assigned at birth?
    YesNoPrefer not to sayUnknown

    Cared for person's sexual orientation

    Please specify:

    Cared for person's ethnicity

    Please specify:

    Cared for person's address (if different from carer’s)

    Relationship to carer (eg parent/partner/friend)

    What is the cared-for person’s health condition and how does it affect them?

    Cared for person's GP surgery

    Are there any services or agencies involved?
    (e.g. a care agency/Crossroads respite service)

    How can we help?

    Type of support

    Are you aware of any issues related to safeguarding, impacting on the carer or cared-for person? If yes, please give details

    Are you aware of any risks to workers/volunteers making home visits?
    If yes, please give details

    Any other information

    Where did you hear about us? (required)

    Please specify (required)