Employers for Carers
Creating a Carer Friendly City
Caring can be extremely complicated, and becomes potentially even more so when working as well.
Many employers have wellbeing programmes in place especially following the Covid-19 pandemic but these frequently do not cater specifically for the employee who also has a carer role outside of work.
Carers UK developed the Employers for Carers scheme to provide employers with the resources and support to ensure they are aware of carers among their staff, know how to support and retain them, have effective policies and understand the law surrounding unpaid carers in their employ.
The Carers UK Helpline is here when you need expert information, advice and support about your rights, about financial and practical help available or about any other challenges caring can present.

Contact us
Call us on 01273 977 000
Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm
Send us an email at info@carershub.co.uk
We can also give you a call back.