Supporting Carers in Pharmacies

Supporting Carers in Pharmacies

Click on each item to find out how you can support carers:

Providing carers with tips around managing medication, medication reminders, monitored dosage systems, blister packs and medication review service 

Encouraging carers to ask questions when collecting medication

Offering free prescription deliveries

Offering free flu vaccinations and NHS health checks for carers

Offering Carers Card discount on non-prescription medication and products

Refer carers (with consent) to their local carers support service and ask their GP to add them to their carers register

Liaising with GPs directly, not the carer, if needed

Encouraging carers to look after their own health, talk to them, offer support

Providing information to help carers recognise their caring role, e.g. local support organisations

Young carers – making process of collecting medication on behalf of someone else easy

Having a way to register carers on system that is visible to staff when carers collect medication

Being a Pharmacy First pharmacy

Letting carers know about the services the pharmacy offers