Young Carers: Potential indicators of a caring role

Potential indicators of a caring role

  • Wellbeing and behaviour- anxious, easily irritable or frustrated, tired, withdrawn, low mood, isolated
  • Avoids/becomes anxious about discussing home life or family, or about not being at home
  • Asks that conversations about family remain secret, not to be discussed with parents
  • Avoidance/lack of engagement from family with school or other agencies
  • Avoids/unable to join in extra curricular activities
  • Underachieving/struggling academically or with homework
  • Persistent or unexplained absence or lateness
  • Friendship difficulties
  • Plus a family member with a health condition, disability or substance misuse issue (which could be less visible/hidden)

One or many of these indicators does not necessarily mean they are a young carer but a conversation with the parents/young person could be useful…