Services for Young Carers

Young Carers Project

The Young Carers Project at The Carers Centre supports children and young people aged 6-17 years, who are helping to care for someone in their family, with a disability, mental health condition, substance misuse issue or long-term illness.

Young Carers can access group support such as school holiday activities, creative workshops or our term-time drop-in sessions.

Some Young Carers also require one-to-one emotional support around managing their caring role.

In addition, Young Carers can also receive advocacy support which means that the right professionals at school or in the community know about the caring role at home and that the Young Carer’s voice is heard at relevant meetings which the family may be involved with.

As lead partner of Carers Hub, The Carers Centre for Brighton & Hove has more information about services available for Young Carers.

Young Adult Carers

Young Adult Carers aged 16-25 can now receive specialised support through the Carers Hub. Call 01273 977 000 to request a Carers Contact Assessment.

Schools Work

The Carers Centre works with primary, secondary and special schools in Brighton & Hove to support school staff to identify young carers in their schools.

Find more information on the Young Carers in Schools page of the Carers Trust.


Visit our Young Carers Referral page.

More information

Young Carers in Schools – Carers Trust

Young Carers – Carers Trust